Chadwick A. Tolman

Chadwick A. Tolman (born 1938) is an American chemist. He obtained his B.S. in Chemistry from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He earned his Ph.D. in Chemistry as a microwave spectroscopist from U.C. Berkeley under the guidance of . Tolman has followed and communicated about climate change issues for over 20 years. He writes a monthly electronic blog, Climate Change News. He helped write the Statement of Conscience on the Threat of Global Warming/Climate Change for the Unitarian Universalist Association which was adopted by their General Assembly in 2006.

Chadwick A. Tolman

Chadwick A. Tolman (born 1938) is an American chemist. He obtained his B.S. in Chemistry from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He earned his Ph.D. in Chemistry as a microwave spectroscopist from U.C. Berkeley under the guidance of . Tolman has followed and communicated about climate change issues for over 20 years. He writes a monthly electronic blog, Climate Change News. He helped write the Statement of Conscience on the Threat of Global Warming/Climate Change for the Unitarian Universalist Association which was adopted by their General Assembly in 2006.