Chairman Enquiries & Anti-Corruption Establishment (Sindh)

The current Chairman Enquiries & Anti-Corruption Establishment is a vacant position. The Chairman Enquiries & Anti-Corruption Establishment, commonly referred to as Chairman Anti-Corruption, is to head the Enquiries and Anti-Corruption Establishment. The position of Chairman E&ACE is usually held by a Grade-21 officer. It is regarded as one of the most senior positions in the Government of Sindh.

Chairman Enquiries & Anti-Corruption Establishment (Sindh)

The current Chairman Enquiries & Anti-Corruption Establishment is a vacant position. The Chairman Enquiries & Anti-Corruption Establishment, commonly referred to as Chairman Anti-Corruption, is to head the Enquiries and Anti-Corruption Establishment. The position of Chairman E&ACE is usually held by a Grade-21 officer. It is regarded as one of the most senior positions in the Government of Sindh.