Chandra Kintala

Chandra Kintala (1948–2009) was a computer science researcher in New Jersey, United States and Bangalore, India from 2006–2009. He worked at Bell Labs in AT&T, Lucent and Avaya in New Jersey, where he and Dr. invented a language and a software tool used in AT&T for data analytics on very large databases. With Dr. Yennun Huang, he worked on Software-implemented Fault Tolerance and Software Rejuvenation in the 1990s. He also worked in distributed systems and research at Bell Labs.

Chandra Kintala

Chandra Kintala (1948–2009) was a computer science researcher in New Jersey, United States and Bangalore, India from 2006–2009. He worked at Bell Labs in AT&T, Lucent and Avaya in New Jersey, where he and Dr. invented a language and a software tool used in AT&T for data analytics on very large databases. With Dr. Yennun Huang, he worked on Software-implemented Fault Tolerance and Software Rejuvenation in the 1990s. He also worked in distributed systems and research at Bell Labs.