Chcę znać swój grzech...

"Chcę znać swój grzech..." (I want to know my sin...) was the Polish entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1996, performed in Polish by Kasia Kowalska. The song is a dramatic ballad, with Kowalska asking a lover to tell her the reason for his coldness towards her. She refers to this reason as "my sin", and asks him to tell it to her "Only once/Before I lose you", claiming that if she knows this she will redouble her efforts to love him. The promotional video featured Kasia singing in a church, surrounded by candles

Chcę znać swój grzech...

"Chcę znać swój grzech..." (I want to know my sin...) was the Polish entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1996, performed in Polish by Kasia Kowalska. The song is a dramatic ballad, with Kowalska asking a lover to tell her the reason for his coldness towards her. She refers to this reason as "my sin", and asks him to tell it to her "Only once/Before I lose you", claiming that if she knows this she will redouble her efforts to love him. The promotional video featured Kasia singing in a church, surrounded by candles