
Chelediscus Rushton, 1966, is a genus of Eodiscinid trilobite belonging to the family Weymouthiidae Kobayashi T. (1943), Order Agnostida Salter (1864). The Treatise assigns this genus to the Calodiscidae; Cotton and Fortey (2005) however move it to the Weymouthiidae. Chelediscus lived during the later part of the Botomian stage. . Chelediscus is known from upper lower Cambrian strata in England, Newfoundland, New York State and Russia (Rushton, 1966; Fletcher, 2003; Rasetti, 1967; Jell in Kaesler, 1997;


Chelediscus Rushton, 1966, is a genus of Eodiscinid trilobite belonging to the family Weymouthiidae Kobayashi T. (1943), Order Agnostida Salter (1864). The Treatise assigns this genus to the Calodiscidae; Cotton and Fortey (2005) however move it to the Weymouthiidae. Chelediscus lived during the later part of the Botomian stage. . Chelediscus is known from upper lower Cambrian strata in England, Newfoundland, New York State and Russia (Rushton, 1966; Fletcher, 2003; Rasetti, 1967; Jell in Kaesler, 1997;