
ChemMedChem is a monthly peer-reviewed medicinal chemistry journal. It is co-owned by the 16 European chemical society members of Chemistry Europe and is published by Wiley-VCH. In addition to original research in the form of full papers and shorter communications, ChemMedChem contains review-type articles (reviews, minireviews, patent reviews, essays, highlights) as well as occasional book reviews and conference reports. The Editorial Board is chaired by Karl-Heinz Altmann (ETH Zürich), Sangyong Jon (KAIST), and Antonello Mai (Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza").


ChemMedChem is a monthly peer-reviewed medicinal chemistry journal. It is co-owned by the 16 European chemical society members of Chemistry Europe and is published by Wiley-VCH. In addition to original research in the form of full papers and shorter communications, ChemMedChem contains review-type articles (reviews, minireviews, patent reviews, essays, highlights) as well as occasional book reviews and conference reports. The Editorial Board is chaired by Karl-Heinz Altmann (ETH Zürich), Sangyong Jon (KAIST), and Antonello Mai (Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza").