Chemical coloring of metals

Chemical coloring of metals is the process of changing the color of metal surfaces with different chemical solutions. The chemical coloring of metals can be split into two types: * electroplating - coating the metal surface with another metal using electrolysis. * patination - chemically reacting the metal surface to form a colored oxide or salt. Chemically coloring a metal is distinct from simply coating it using a method such as gilding or mercury silvering, because chemical coloring involves a chemical reaction, whereas simple coating does not.

Chemical coloring of metals

Chemical coloring of metals is the process of changing the color of metal surfaces with different chemical solutions. The chemical coloring of metals can be split into two types: * electroplating - coating the metal surface with another metal using electrolysis. * patination - chemically reacting the metal surface to form a colored oxide or salt. Chemically coloring a metal is distinct from simply coating it using a method such as gilding or mercury silvering, because chemical coloring involves a chemical reaction, whereas simple coating does not.