Cherry pit spitting

Cherry pit spitting is the act of spitting, or ejecting, the pit (the seed) of a cherry from one's mouth with great speed so as to send the pit a great distance. Spitting cherry pits is an amateur sport; there are no known professional leagues of cherry spitters. There are multiple international competitions for cherry pit spitting in countries such as the US, Canada, Germany and France. The sport can be traced back many decades.

Cherry pit spitting

Cherry pit spitting is the act of spitting, or ejecting, the pit (the seed) of a cherry from one's mouth with great speed so as to send the pit a great distance. Spitting cherry pits is an amateur sport; there are no known professional leagues of cherry spitters. There are multiple international competitions for cherry pit spitting in countries such as the US, Canada, Germany and France. The sport can be traced back many decades.