Chester E. Norris

Chester Edward Norris, Jr. (December 1, 1927 – November 15, 2016) was U.S. Ambassador to Equatorial Guinea from 1988 to 1992. His tenure there saw the first contracts negotiated between American energy corporations and the EG government, a process that would make EG a site of vital interest to the US, and transform it into a major African oil producer. The main street in the wealthiest suburb of the capital, Malabo, is named Chester E. Norris Avenue in recognition of his relationship with the regime of President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasago. A tanker owned by the Malabo-based firm is also named the in his honor.

Chester E. Norris

Chester Edward Norris, Jr. (December 1, 1927 – November 15, 2016) was U.S. Ambassador to Equatorial Guinea from 1988 to 1992. His tenure there saw the first contracts negotiated between American energy corporations and the EG government, a process that would make EG a site of vital interest to the US, and transform it into a major African oil producer. The main street in the wealthiest suburb of the capital, Malabo, is named Chester E. Norris Avenue in recognition of his relationship with the regime of President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasago. A tanker owned by the Malabo-based firm is also named the in his honor.