Chiboust cream

Crème chiboust is a crème pâtissière (pastry cream) lightened with Italian meringue. Though occasionally using whipped cream to lighten it, this is traditionally a millefeuille cream. Crème chiboust can be flavoured with vanilla, orange zest, or liqueurs. It was supposedly created and developed in 1847 by the pastry chef M. Chiboust of the pastry shop that was located on the Paris street Rue Saint-Honoré.

Chiboust cream

Crème chiboust is a crème pâtissière (pastry cream) lightened with Italian meringue. Though occasionally using whipped cream to lighten it, this is traditionally a millefeuille cream. Crème chiboust can be flavoured with vanilla, orange zest, or liqueurs. It was supposedly created and developed in 1847 by the pastry chef M. Chiboust of the pastry shop that was located on the Paris street Rue Saint-Honoré.