Chief Scout (Scouting Ireland)

The Chief Scout is the leader of Scouting Ireland. As Chairperson of the National Council and National Management Committee the Chief Scout is responsible for co-ordinating the activities of the Association with the help of the National Team for Policy Implementation and Co-ordination. The role is a volunteer one, normally elected every third year at National Council, and works with the CEO, the head of the professional staff function of the association.

Chief Scout (Scouting Ireland)

The Chief Scout is the leader of Scouting Ireland. As Chairperson of the National Council and National Management Committee the Chief Scout is responsible for co-ordinating the activities of the Association with the help of the National Team for Policy Implementation and Co-ordination. The role is a volunteer one, normally elected every third year at National Council, and works with the CEO, the head of the professional staff function of the association.