
Chifuren (also National League of Regional Women's Organizations or National Federation of Regional Women's Organizations, Zen Nihon chiiki fujin dantai renraku kyōgikai) is one of the largest women's organizations operating in Japan. Chifuren is an umbrella organization of women's groups and the local women's groups or fujinakai. Chifuren works on a regional scope on a variety of social and political issues facing women in Japan.


Chifuren (also National League of Regional Women's Organizations or National Federation of Regional Women's Organizations, Zen Nihon chiiki fujin dantai renraku kyōgikai) is one of the largest women's organizations operating in Japan. Chifuren is an umbrella organization of women's groups and the local women's groups or fujinakai. Chifuren works on a regional scope on a variety of social and political issues facing women in Japan.