
Chlorine-36 (36Cl) is an isotope of chlorine. Chlorine has two stable isotopes and one naturally occurring radioactive isotope, the cosmogenic isotope 36Cl. Its half-life is 301,300 ± 1,500 years. 36Cl decays primarily (98%) by beta-minus decay to 36Ar, and the balance to 36S. Trace amounts of radioactive 36Cl exist in the environment, in a ratio of about (7-10) × 10−13 to 1 with stable chlorine isotopes. This corresponds to a concentration of approximately 1 Bq/(kg Cl). The half-life of this isotope makes it suitable for geologic dating in the range of 60,000 to 1 million years.


Chlorine-36 (36Cl) is an isotope of chlorine. Chlorine has two stable isotopes and one naturally occurring radioactive isotope, the cosmogenic isotope 36Cl. Its half-life is 301,300 ± 1,500 years. 36Cl decays primarily (98%) by beta-minus decay to 36Ar, and the balance to 36S. Trace amounts of radioactive 36Cl exist in the environment, in a ratio of about (7-10) × 10−13 to 1 with stable chlorine isotopes. This corresponds to a concentration of approximately 1 Bq/(kg Cl). The half-life of this isotope makes it suitable for geologic dating in the range of 60,000 to 1 million years.