Christ among the Doctors (Veronese)

Christ among the Doctors is an oil on canvas painting of Christ Among the Doctors by Paolo Veronese, now in the Museo del Prado in Madrid, Spain. Its dating has been the subject of debate - the date 1548 appears on a book held by a figure seated on the stairs in the foreground, but in 1976 Diana Gisolfi Pechukas posited 1565 as the earliest possible date for the painting's production.

Christ among the Doctors (Veronese)

Christ among the Doctors is an oil on canvas painting of Christ Among the Doctors by Paolo Veronese, now in the Museo del Prado in Madrid, Spain. Its dating has been the subject of debate - the date 1548 appears on a book held by a figure seated on the stairs in the foreground, but in 1976 Diana Gisolfi Pechukas posited 1565 as the earliest possible date for the painting's production.