Christophe Antoine Gerle

Christophe Antoine Gerle (1736 – c. 1801), French revolutionist and mystic, was born at Riom in Auvergne. Entering the Carthusian order early in life, he became prior of Laval-Dieu in Perche, and afterwards of Pont-Sainte-Marie at Moulins. Elected deputy to the states-general in 1789, Gerle became very popular, and though he had no seat in the assembly until after the Tennis Court Oath, being only deputy suppléant, he is represented in Jacques-Louis David's classic painting as taking part in it. In 1792 he was chosen elector of Paris.

Christophe Antoine Gerle

Christophe Antoine Gerle (1736 – c. 1801), French revolutionist and mystic, was born at Riom in Auvergne. Entering the Carthusian order early in life, he became prior of Laval-Dieu in Perche, and afterwards of Pont-Sainte-Marie at Moulins. Elected deputy to the states-general in 1789, Gerle became very popular, and though he had no seat in the assembly until after the Tennis Court Oath, being only deputy suppléant, he is represented in Jacques-Louis David's classic painting as taking part in it. In 1792 he was chosen elector of Paris.