Chrysomela vigintipunctata

Chrysomela vigintipunctata or spotted willow leaf beetle (Russian: Двадцатиточечный листоед – translated as the 20-spotted leaf eater) is a species of broad-shouldered leaf beetle belonging to the family Chrysomelidae, subfamily Chrysomelinae. The length of the beetles varies from 6.5 to 9.2 mm. Both larvae and adults feed on the leaves of its host plants, especially Salicaceae species. Elytra usually are yellowish-green, with ten black spots on each side, while the head and the pronotum are black, with yellow sides.

Chrysomela vigintipunctata

Chrysomela vigintipunctata or spotted willow leaf beetle (Russian: Двадцатиточечный листоед – translated as the 20-spotted leaf eater) is a species of broad-shouldered leaf beetle belonging to the family Chrysomelidae, subfamily Chrysomelinae. The length of the beetles varies from 6.5 to 9.2 mm. Both larvae and adults feed on the leaves of its host plants, especially Salicaceae species. Elytra usually are yellowish-green, with ten black spots on each side, while the head and the pronotum are black, with yellow sides.