Cinema of New Zealand

New Zealand cinema can refer to films made by New Zealand-based production companies in New Zealand. However, it may also refer to films made about New Zealand by filmmakers from other countries. Due to the comparatively small size of its film industry, New Zealand produces many films that are co-financed by overseas companies. From the 1990s onward, New Zealand-made films have increasingly achieved international success, including both those with local funding and themes, and overseas ventures such as The Lord of the Rings trilogy, which was made largely with funding from Hollywood.

Cinema of New Zealand

New Zealand cinema can refer to films made by New Zealand-based production companies in New Zealand. However, it may also refer to films made about New Zealand by filmmakers from other countries. Due to the comparatively small size of its film industry, New Zealand produces many films that are co-financed by overseas companies. From the 1990s onward, New Zealand-made films have increasingly achieved international success, including both those with local funding and themes, and overseas ventures such as The Lord of the Rings trilogy, which was made largely with funding from Hollywood.