Circular 10/70

Circular 10/70 was an attempt by Margaret Thatcher as Secretary of State for Education and Science in 1970 to reverse the effects of Circular 10/65 (sometimes called the Crosland Circular since Anthony Crosland issued it as Secretary for Education under Wilson in 1965) and Circular 10/66. The first circular recommended to LEAs to begin the process of conversion to fully comprehensive education, in line with the Labour government's wishes on the transition to a comprehensive national system. The second circular said that no funding would be given for new non-comprehensive schools. Circular 10/70 allowed LEAs to decide the future of Secondary Education in the area under their authority independently of the central government.

Circular 10/70

Circular 10/70 was an attempt by Margaret Thatcher as Secretary of State for Education and Science in 1970 to reverse the effects of Circular 10/65 (sometimes called the Crosland Circular since Anthony Crosland issued it as Secretary for Education under Wilson in 1965) and Circular 10/66. The first circular recommended to LEAs to begin the process of conversion to fully comprehensive education, in line with the Labour government's wishes on the transition to a comprehensive national system. The second circular said that no funding would be given for new non-comprehensive schools. Circular 10/70 allowed LEAs to decide the future of Secondary Education in the area under their authority independently of the central government.