Cities XL 2012

Cities XL 2012 is a city simulator developed by Focus Home Interactive. Cities XL 2012 is the third game in the Cities XL franchise. The game focuses on a single-player mode, and was released on October 20, 2011. New features include new structures, new maps and a starter guide; additionally, the game has been opened to modding and allows players to share their mods. It is fully compatible with Cities XL 2011 version with a discounted upgrade available. An expansion pack was released simultaneously.

Cities XL 2012

Cities XL 2012 is a city simulator developed by Focus Home Interactive. Cities XL 2012 is the third game in the Cities XL franchise. The game focuses on a single-player mode, and was released on October 20, 2011. New features include new structures, new maps and a starter guide; additionally, the game has been opened to modding and allows players to share their mods. It is fully compatible with Cities XL 2011 version with a discounted upgrade available. An expansion pack was released simultaneously.