City with county rights

A city with county rights (or urban county, Hungarian: megyei jogú város, MJV) is a level of administrative subdivision in Hungary. Since 1994 all county seats are automatically awarded this status, and since 2012 this is the only way a new city may become a city with county rights. However, all cities that achieved this rank before 2012 have retained their status and there is no law that provides for the revocation of this title. As such, cities like Hódmezővásárhely or Dunaújváros that are not county seats are still cities with county rights. Since 2006, there are 23 cities with county rights. Before 1950, the former so-called cities with municipal rights (törvényhatósági jogú város) had a similar status as the present urban counties.

City with county rights

A city with county rights (or urban county, Hungarian: megyei jogú város, MJV) is a level of administrative subdivision in Hungary. Since 1994 all county seats are automatically awarded this status, and since 2012 this is the only way a new city may become a city with county rights. However, all cities that achieved this rank before 2012 have retained their status and there is no law that provides for the revocation of this title. As such, cities like Hódmezővásárhely or Dunaújváros that are not county seats are still cities with county rights. Since 2006, there are 23 cities with county rights. Before 1950, the former so-called cities with municipal rights (törvényhatósági jogú város) had a similar status as the present urban counties.