
Clandonnell (from Irish Clann Domhnaill 'Donal's offspring') is an early-modern Irish district in what is now southern County Londonderry, Northern Ireland. Clandonnell along with the ancient districts of Glenconkeyne, Killetra, and Tomlagh, comprised the former barony of Loughinsholin, with Clandonnell forming the northern part reaching as far south as Maghera.


Clandonnell (from Irish Clann Domhnaill 'Donal's offspring') is an early-modern Irish district in what is now southern County Londonderry, Northern Ireland. Clandonnell along with the ancient districts of Glenconkeyne, Killetra, and Tomlagh, comprised the former barony of Loughinsholin, with Clandonnell forming the northern part reaching as far south as Maghera.