
Claramente is a Mexican comedy web television series co-produced by 11:11 Films and Claro Video. The series is produced by Juancho and Manolo Cardona, and it premiered via streaming on 14 November 2019. It stars Carolina Miranda, and Alejandro de la Madrid. The plot revolves around a group of people who work together in an old-fashioned magazine in which different generations converge, with conflicts of all kinds.


Claramente is a Mexican comedy web television series co-produced by 11:11 Films and Claro Video. The series is produced by Juancho and Manolo Cardona, and it premiered via streaming on 14 November 2019. It stars Carolina Miranda, and Alejandro de la Madrid. The plot revolves around a group of people who work together in an old-fashioned magazine in which different generations converge, with conflicts of all kinds.