Clarion Defender

The Clarion Defender was an African American run newspaper in Portland, Oregon. It operated from 1966 until around 1973 and was founded by Jimmy "Bang Bang" Walker. Its motto was, "Oldest Negro Publisher in the Northwest." The Clarion Defender focused attention on the impact of local issues on African-Americans and routinely used the newspaper to expose purported police brutality. In reaction to the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Walker used the paper to express continued commitment to Dr. King's goals and non-violent approach to achieve them.

Clarion Defender

The Clarion Defender was an African American run newspaper in Portland, Oregon. It operated from 1966 until around 1973 and was founded by Jimmy "Bang Bang" Walker. Its motto was, "Oldest Negro Publisher in the Northwest." The Clarion Defender focused attention on the impact of local issues on African-Americans and routinely used the newspaper to expose purported police brutality. In reaction to the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Walker used the paper to express continued commitment to Dr. King's goals and non-violent approach to achieve them.