Clay T. Whitehead

Clay T. "Tom" Whitehead (November 13, 1938 – July 23, 2008) was a United States government official who served as Special Assistant to the President from 1968-1970; Director of the White House Office of Telecommunications Policy (OTP) from 1970 to 1974 during the Nixon administration; Director of the Ford Transition Team immediately before Nixon's resignation; and an operative in the White House during the initial phases of the Ford transition. Whitehead pioneered a policy of competition across the telecommunications industries, which later was reflected in legislation and regulations in the United States and around the world.

Clay T. Whitehead

Clay T. "Tom" Whitehead (November 13, 1938 – July 23, 2008) was a United States government official who served as Special Assistant to the President from 1968-1970; Director of the White House Office of Telecommunications Policy (OTP) from 1970 to 1974 during the Nixon administration; Director of the Ford Transition Team immediately before Nixon's resignation; and an operative in the White House during the initial phases of the Ford transition. Whitehead pioneered a policy of competition across the telecommunications industries, which later was reflected in legislation and regulations in the United States and around the world.