Clean eating

Clean eating is a fad diet based on the belief that consuming whole foods and avoiding convenience food and other processed foods offers certain health benefits. Variations of the diet may also exclude gluten, grains, and/or dairy products and advocate the consumption of raw food. The diet has been criticized for lacking scientific evidence and potentially posing health risks. Clean eating is not supported by nutritionists, as it may lead to malnutrition and the formation of unhealthy eating practices.

Clean eating

Clean eating is a fad diet based on the belief that consuming whole foods and avoiding convenience food and other processed foods offers certain health benefits. Variations of the diet may also exclude gluten, grains, and/or dairy products and advocate the consumption of raw food. The diet has been criticized for lacking scientific evidence and potentially posing health risks. Clean eating is not supported by nutritionists, as it may lead to malnutrition and the formation of unhealthy eating practices.