Cleveland Cripple Survey

The Cleveland Cripple Survey or Survey of Cripples in Cleveland was a survey done in Cleveland, Ohio first published in 1918 report by the entitled: "Education and Occupations of cripples Juvenile and Adults: A Survey of All Cripples of Cleveland, Ohio, 1916". The two reporters/authors for this Survey and report were Lucy Wright and . This survey is often credited as being one of the first accurate disability censuses, that measured the social and economic conditions of individuals considered.

Cleveland Cripple Survey

The Cleveland Cripple Survey or Survey of Cripples in Cleveland was a survey done in Cleveland, Ohio first published in 1918 report by the entitled: "Education and Occupations of cripples Juvenile and Adults: A Survey of All Cripples of Cleveland, Ohio, 1916". The two reporters/authors for this Survey and report were Lucy Wright and . This survey is often credited as being one of the first accurate disability censuses, that measured the social and economic conditions of individuals considered.