Co Streiff

Co Streiff (Cornelia Streiff) (5 April 1959 in Zurich) is a Swiss jazz musician who combines the elements of free jazz with the music of Africa. She is a saxophonist and flutist. She was educated at a conservatory with the transverse flute as her main instrument and also at Jazz School St. Gallen with a saxophone. Then since 1983 she has lived as a freelance artist. Her first bands and projects were Kadesh and Tobende Ordnung (Raging Order). In 1986, she began her collaboration with Irène Schweizer. She appeared in the Canaille Festivals mostly with Lindsay Cooper and Joëlle Léandre. She took part in different projects of the Vienna Art Orchestra from 1988 until 1995. They make several long workshop tours in non-European countries (Egypt, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Benin, Ghana, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan

Co Streiff

Co Streiff (Cornelia Streiff) (5 April 1959 in Zurich) is a Swiss jazz musician who combines the elements of free jazz with the music of Africa. She is a saxophonist and flutist. She was educated at a conservatory with the transverse flute as her main instrument and also at Jazz School St. Gallen with a saxophone. Then since 1983 she has lived as a freelance artist. Her first bands and projects were Kadesh and Tobende Ordnung (Raging Order). In 1986, she began her collaboration with Irène Schweizer. She appeared in the Canaille Festivals mostly with Lindsay Cooper and Joëlle Léandre. She took part in different projects of the Vienna Art Orchestra from 1988 until 1995. They make several long workshop tours in non-European countries (Egypt, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Benin, Ghana, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan