College of St. Casimir

The Pontifical College of St. Casimir (Italian: Collegio Lituano S. Casimiro, Latin: Collegium Lithuanicum S. Casimiri, Lithuanian: Popiežiškoji lietuvių Šv. Kazimiero kolegija) is a priestly seminary in Rome, Italy. Named after Saint Casimir, the patron saint of Lithuania, it was established on 19 October 1945 to educate priests who had fled Soviet-occupied Lithuania.

College of St. Casimir

The Pontifical College of St. Casimir (Italian: Collegio Lituano S. Casimiro, Latin: Collegium Lithuanicum S. Casimiri, Lithuanian: Popiežiškoji lietuvių Šv. Kazimiero kolegija) is a priestly seminary in Rome, Italy. Named after Saint Casimir, the patron saint of Lithuania, it was established on 19 October 1945 to educate priests who had fled Soviet-occupied Lithuania.