Commercial fishing in Spain

Spain is an eminently maritime country with a long continental shelf running along the entire periphery of the Spanish coast. This narrow continental shelf is extremely rich in fish resources since the shelf is close to land. The exploitation of these marine resources has a long tradition in Spain. Even in the Middle Ages and the Modern Age, the salted cod and anchovy, sardine, and pickled tunafish trade, etc. established links between the Galician, Cantabrian, South Atlantic or Levante ports, and the inner cities.

Commercial fishing in Spain

Spain is an eminently maritime country with a long continental shelf running along the entire periphery of the Spanish coast. This narrow continental shelf is extremely rich in fish resources since the shelf is close to land. The exploitation of these marine resources has a long tradition in Spain. Even in the Middle Ages and the Modern Age, the salted cod and anchovy, sardine, and pickled tunafish trade, etc. established links between the Galician, Cantabrian, South Atlantic or Levante ports, and the inner cities.