Communist Party (British Section of the Third International)

The Communist Party (British Section of the Third International) was a Left Communist organisation established at an emergency conference held on 19–20 June 1920 at the International Socialist Club in London. It comprised about 600 people. In the end the CP (BSTI) withdrew from the Communist Unity Convention, just as Lenin's pamphlet Left-Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder came out with extracts being quickly translated. Lenin also wrote to the convention urging participation in parliament, something which was agreed by 189 votes to 19.

Communist Party (British Section of the Third International)

The Communist Party (British Section of the Third International) was a Left Communist organisation established at an emergency conference held on 19–20 June 1920 at the International Socialist Club in London. It comprised about 600 people. In the end the CP (BSTI) withdrew from the Communist Unity Convention, just as Lenin's pamphlet Left-Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder came out with extracts being quickly translated. Lenin also wrote to the convention urging participation in parliament, something which was agreed by 189 votes to 19.