Communist Party (Nepeceriști)

Communist Party (Nepeceriști) (Romanian: Partidul Comuniștilor (Nepecerişti), PCN) was a Romanian communist party, officially registered 31 July 2006. The term Nepeceriști means people who were not members of the Romanian Communist Party (PCR). The party president was Gheorghe I. Ungureanu and the secretary was Constantin M. Gălbeoru.

Communist Party (Nepeceriști)

Communist Party (Nepeceriști) (Romanian: Partidul Comuniștilor (Nepecerişti), PCN) was a Romanian communist party, officially registered 31 July 2006. The term Nepeceriști means people who were not members of the Romanian Communist Party (PCR). The party president was Gheorghe I. Ungureanu and the secretary was Constantin M. Gălbeoru.