Compulsive Liar

Compulsive Liar (French: Menteur) is a Canadian comedy film, directed by Émile Gaudreault and released in 2019. The film stars Louis-José Houde as Simon, a man who is confronted by his family about his lifelong habit of being a compulsive liar, and denies it; however, he then wakes up the next day in an alternate reality in which all of his past lies have become the truth, forcing him to correct all of his lies with the help of his brother Phil (Antoine Bertrand) in order to reset everything back to normal.

Compulsive Liar

Compulsive Liar (French: Menteur) is a Canadian comedy film, directed by Émile Gaudreault and released in 2019. The film stars Louis-José Houde as Simon, a man who is confronted by his family about his lifelong habit of being a compulsive liar, and denies it; however, he then wakes up the next day in an alternate reality in which all of his past lies have become the truth, forcing him to correct all of his lies with the help of his brother Phil (Antoine Bertrand) in order to reset everything back to normal.