Computer Communications Network

Computer Communications Network was a company founded in 1968 by brothers Edward and Robert Eskine in Nashville, Tennessee. The core of its employees came from UNIVAC and Burroughs Corporation. CCN was one of the first companies to use telecommunications for small business purposes. CCN used UNIVAC model 494 computers and Burroughs model TC 500 computers. They also created software for wholesale beverage distribution, hospitals, and airline reservations.

Computer Communications Network

Computer Communications Network was a company founded in 1968 by brothers Edward and Robert Eskine in Nashville, Tennessee. The core of its employees came from UNIVAC and Burroughs Corporation. CCN was one of the first companies to use telecommunications for small business purposes. CCN used UNIVAC model 494 computers and Burroughs model TC 500 computers. They also created software for wholesale beverage distribution, hospitals, and airline reservations.