Concept class

A concept over a domain X is a total Boolean function over X. A concept class is a class of concepts. Concept class is a subject of computational learning theory. Concept Class terminology frequently appears in Model theory associated with probably approximately correct (PAC) learning. In this setting, if one takes a set Y as a set of (classifier output) labels, and X is a set of examples, the map c : X → Y, i.e. from examples to classifier labels (where Y = {0, 1} and where c is subset of X), c is then said to be a concept. A concept class C is the collection of such concepts.

Concept class

A concept over a domain X is a total Boolean function over X. A concept class is a class of concepts. Concept class is a subject of computational learning theory. Concept Class terminology frequently appears in Model theory associated with probably approximately correct (PAC) learning. In this setting, if one takes a set Y as a set of (classifier output) labels, and X is a set of examples, the map c : X → Y, i.e. from examples to classifier labels (where Y = {0, 1} and where c is subset of X), c is then said to be a concept. A concept class C is the collection of such concepts.