Confederation of the Polish Crown

Confederation of the Polish Crown (KKP) (Polish: Konfederacja Korony Polskiej), often shorted to The Crown (Polish: Korona) is a monarchist, reactionist and hard Eurosceptic political party in Poland established in 2019 by Grzegorz Braun. The party's goals are to "fight for the good of Poland, secure the sovereignty of the Polish State, defend Poland's Catholic faith, ensure that Polish families are prosperous, and help shape social life based on the principles of Latin civilization." Party leader Grzegorz Braun is also an anti-vaccination activist

Confederation of the Polish Crown

Confederation of the Polish Crown (KKP) (Polish: Konfederacja Korony Polskiej), often shorted to The Crown (Polish: Korona) is a monarchist, reactionist and hard Eurosceptic political party in Poland established in 2019 by Grzegorz Braun. The party's goals are to "fight for the good of Poland, secure the sovereignty of the Polish State, defend Poland's Catholic faith, ensure that Polish families are prosperous, and help shape social life based on the principles of Latin civilization." Party leader Grzegorz Braun is also an anti-vaccination activist