Conservatism in South Korea

Conservatism in South Korea is chiefly associated with the People Power Party (South Korea). Traditional South korea conservatism is a political and social philosophy characterized by Korean culture traditions originating from Confucianism in Korea, pro-business, opposition to trade unions, strong national defense, free trade, anti-communism, pro-communitarianism, pro-economic interventionism but anti-welfare state. Until May 10, 2017, the conservative Park Geun-hye government was the last conservative government of the Sixth Republic of South Korea.

Conservatism in South Korea

Conservatism in South Korea is chiefly associated with the People Power Party (South Korea). Traditional South korea conservatism is a political and social philosophy characterized by Korean culture traditions originating from Confucianism in Korea, pro-business, opposition to trade unions, strong national defense, free trade, anti-communism, pro-communitarianism, pro-economic interventionism but anti-welfare state. Until May 10, 2017, the conservative Park Geun-hye government was the last conservative government of the Sixth Republic of South Korea.