Control car

A control car, cab car (US and Canada), control trailer, or driving trailer (UK and Ireland) is a generic term for a non-powered railroad (US) or railway (UIC) vehicle that can control operation of a train at the end, opposite to the position of the locomotive. They can be used with diesel or electric motive power, allowing push-pull operation without the use of an additional locomotive. They can also be used with a power car or a railcar. In a few cases control cars were used with steam locomotives, especially in Germany and France (see article Voiture État à 2 étages).

Control car

A control car, cab car (US and Canada), control trailer, or driving trailer (UK and Ireland) is a generic term for a non-powered railroad (US) or railway (UIC) vehicle that can control operation of a train at the end, opposite to the position of the locomotive. They can be used with diesel or electric motive power, allowing push-pull operation without the use of an additional locomotive. They can also be used with a power car or a railcar. In a few cases control cars were used with steam locomotives, especially in Germany and France (see article Voiture État à 2 étages).