Convent of São Francisco (Angra do Heroísmo)

The Convent of São Francisco is a Baroque-era convent and church in the historical centre of the city of Angra, civil parish of Sé, municipality of Angra do Heroísmo on the Portuguese island of Terceira, in the archipelago of the Azores. Better recognizable for the large Church of Our Lady of the Guide (Portuguese: Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Guia), is its locally known as the Igreja do Convento de São Francisco, (Church of the Convent of São Francisco), one of the largest of Christian temples in the Azores, and former seat of the Franciscan Province of São João Evangelista, during the Age of Discovery.

Convent of São Francisco (Angra do Heroísmo)

The Convent of São Francisco is a Baroque-era convent and church in the historical centre of the city of Angra, civil parish of Sé, municipality of Angra do Heroísmo on the Portuguese island of Terceira, in the archipelago of the Azores. Better recognizable for the large Church of Our Lady of the Guide (Portuguese: Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Guia), is its locally known as the Igreja do Convento de São Francisco, (Church of the Convent of São Francisco), one of the largest of Christian temples in the Azores, and former seat of the Franciscan Province of São João Evangelista, during the Age of Discovery.