Copenhagen Pride

Copenhagen Pride is Denmark's largest annual Human Rights festival, focused on LGBT issues. It involves the entire capital Copenhagen and is held in August. A colourful and festive occasion, it combines political issues with concerts, films and a parade. The focal point is the City Hall Square in the city centre. The festival usually opens on the Wednesday of Pride Week, culminating on the Saturday with a parade. In 2017, some 25,000 people took part in the parade with floats and flags, and more than 300,000 people were out in the streets to experience it.

Copenhagen Pride

Copenhagen Pride is Denmark's largest annual Human Rights festival, focused on LGBT issues. It involves the entire capital Copenhagen and is held in August. A colourful and festive occasion, it combines political issues with concerts, films and a parade. The focal point is the City Hall Square in the city centre. The festival usually opens on the Wednesday of Pride Week, culminating on the Saturday with a parade. In 2017, some 25,000 people took part in the parade with floats and flags, and more than 300,000 people were out in the streets to experience it.