
In the Book of Mormon, Coriantumr (/ˌkɒriˈæntəmər/) is the name of three figures that appear throughout the book's narrative. Chronologically, they are one of the sons of Omer, a deposed Jaredite king who was later restored to his throne by his sons Esrom and Coriantumr; the last of the Jaredite kings, who lived to see his people destroyed and to see another people, the Mulekites, live in the land; and a Nephite dissenter, who was made leader by the Lamanites over the Lamanite armies.


In the Book of Mormon, Coriantumr (/ˌkɒriˈæntəmər/) is the name of three figures that appear throughout the book's narrative. Chronologically, they are one of the sons of Omer, a deposed Jaredite king who was later restored to his throne by his sons Esrom and Coriantumr; the last of the Jaredite kings, who lived to see his people destroyed and to see another people, the Mulekites, live in the land; and a Nephite dissenter, who was made leader by the Lamanites over the Lamanite armies.