Corps Franc de la Montagne Noire

The Corps Franc de la Montagne Noire (Free Corps of the Black Mountain) or C.F.M.N, was a fighting unit of the French resistance, during World War II, it was located in the mountainous area of the southwestern end of Massif Central. Its mission was to prevent German troops from going to reinforce the landing fronts in Normandy and Provence, via Montagne Noire.

Corps Franc de la Montagne Noire

The Corps Franc de la Montagne Noire (Free Corps of the Black Mountain) or C.F.M.N, was a fighting unit of the French resistance, during World War II, it was located in the mountainous area of the southwestern end of Massif Central. Its mission was to prevent German troops from going to reinforce the landing fronts in Normandy and Provence, via Montagne Noire.