Cosmic Movement

The Cosmic Movement was the organisation established by Max Théon around 1900, in Tlemcen, Algeria, at the instigation of his wife Alma Théon, whom he declared to be the moving spirit behind the group. Its journal was the Cosmic Review. Other publications included the Cosmic Tradition, and other works of the Cosmic philosophy. Among the most important of Théon's students at this time, who were involved in the Cosmic Movement, in Tlemcen and later in Paris, were , Mirra Alfassa, Paul Richard, and .

Cosmic Movement

The Cosmic Movement was the organisation established by Max Théon around 1900, in Tlemcen, Algeria, at the instigation of his wife Alma Théon, whom he declared to be the moving spirit behind the group. Its journal was the Cosmic Review. Other publications included the Cosmic Tradition, and other works of the Cosmic philosophy. Among the most important of Théon's students at this time, who were involved in the Cosmic Movement, in Tlemcen and later in Paris, were , Mirra Alfassa, Paul Richard, and .