Couple with Their Heads Full of Clouds

Couple with Their Heads Full of Clouds (French: Couple aux Têtes Pleines de Nuages) is a 1936 diptych painting by Salvador Dalí. The oil on plywood work represent tables in a desert landscape and are cut out like the silhouettes of the characters in Jean-François Millet's painting The Angelus (L'Angélus). The works are both double portraits of Salvador and Gala Dali.

Couple with Their Heads Full of Clouds

Couple with Their Heads Full of Clouds (French: Couple aux Têtes Pleines de Nuages) is a 1936 diptych painting by Salvador Dalí. The oil on plywood work represent tables in a desert landscape and are cut out like the silhouettes of the characters in Jean-François Millet's painting The Angelus (L'Angélus). The works are both double portraits of Salvador and Gala Dali.