Cover Girl (TV series)

Cover Girl is a Canadian French language television sitcom, which aired on Radio-Canada in 2005. Created and written by Richard Blaimert, the series revolved around three drag queens sharing ownership of Cover Girl, a gay nightclub in downtown Montreal. The series premiered in the winter of the 2004-05 television season, and was renewed for a second season which aired in fall 2005, for a total of 26 episodes. One of Quebec's most noted drag queens, Mado Lamotte, criticized the show as unrealistic.

Cover Girl (TV series)

Cover Girl is a Canadian French language television sitcom, which aired on Radio-Canada in 2005. Created and written by Richard Blaimert, the series revolved around three drag queens sharing ownership of Cover Girl, a gay nightclub in downtown Montreal. The series premiered in the winter of the 2004-05 television season, and was renewed for a second season which aired in fall 2005, for a total of 26 episodes. One of Quebec's most noted drag queens, Mado Lamotte, criticized the show as unrealistic.