Crazy Sunday

"Crazy Sunday" is a short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald, originally published in the October 1932 issue of American Mercury. Fitzgerald's story is set in the brutal life of the great studios of 1930s Hollywood, with their flocks of actors, writers and directors seething with interpersonal and sexual politics. It is extraordinarily long — almost 6,400 words — and has a more novel-like than story-like structure, being set over several days and settings, though the driving story and few characters make it a story rather than a novel.

Crazy Sunday

"Crazy Sunday" is a short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald, originally published in the October 1932 issue of American Mercury. Fitzgerald's story is set in the brutal life of the great studios of 1930s Hollywood, with their flocks of actors, writers and directors seething with interpersonal and sexual politics. It is extraordinarily long — almost 6,400 words — and has a more novel-like than story-like structure, being set over several days and settings, though the driving story and few characters make it a story rather than a novel.