Cries from Syria

Cries from Syria is a 2017 documentary film about the Syrian Civil War, directed by Evgeny Afineevsky, and acquired by HBO. It contains video shot by Syrians with and interviews with guerilla fighters, activists, journalists, defected military men, and refugees, some that are children. In an interview Afineesky said, "I tried to put together a comprehensive story so that people can not only learn from the historical mistakes, but so people can reevaluate what we have on our hands."

Cries from Syria

Cries from Syria is a 2017 documentary film about the Syrian Civil War, directed by Evgeny Afineevsky, and acquired by HBO. It contains video shot by Syrians with and interviews with guerilla fighters, activists, journalists, defected military men, and refugees, some that are children. In an interview Afineesky said, "I tried to put together a comprehensive story so that people can not only learn from the historical mistakes, but so people can reevaluate what we have on our hands."