Cuerdley railway station

One source gives Cuerdley railway station as being on what is now the southeastern edge of Widnes, England, stating that it was located near the then bone works which the 1849 OS Map shows as at the convergence of Moss Lane, the railway, the Sankey Canal, a creek and the north bank of the tidal River Mersey. Of these only Moss Lane is no longer readily identifiable on a modern OS Map. The authoritative Disused Stations website does not include an article on Cuerdley station, however, it does repeatedly use a map which places Cuerdley station some distance nearer Warrington. This is corroborated by the Engineer's Line Reference (ELR) database which gives Cuerdley station as 1 mile 10 chains from Fiddlers Ferry and Penketh station and 1 mile 31 chains from Carterhouse Junction. Furthermore,

Cuerdley railway station

One source gives Cuerdley railway station as being on what is now the southeastern edge of Widnes, England, stating that it was located near the then bone works which the 1849 OS Map shows as at the convergence of Moss Lane, the railway, the Sankey Canal, a creek and the north bank of the tidal River Mersey. Of these only Moss Lane is no longer readily identifiable on a modern OS Map. The authoritative Disused Stations website does not include an article on Cuerdley station, however, it does repeatedly use a map which places Cuerdley station some distance nearer Warrington. This is corroborated by the Engineer's Line Reference (ELR) database which gives Cuerdley station as 1 mile 10 chains from Fiddlers Ferry and Penketh station and 1 mile 31 chains from Carterhouse Junction. Furthermore,