
In the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology, Culann was a smith whose house was protected by a ferocious watchdog. Culann's hound was a pup of Celtchar's hound Dael, and he was found in the skull of Congachnes along with two other pups (Celtchar and Mac da Tho's hounds); Culann's hound was speckled, while Celtchar and Mac da Tho's hounds were black and grey, respectively.


In the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology, Culann was a smith whose house was protected by a ferocious watchdog. Culann's hound was a pup of Celtchar's hound Dael, and he was found in the skull of Congachnes along with two other pups (Celtchar and Mac da Tho's hounds); Culann's hound was speckled, while Celtchar and Mac da Tho's hounds were black and grey, respectively.