Cumberland County Open Space and Recreation Master Plan

Cumberland County Open Space and Recreation Master Plan is a planning process and document that will provide a forward-looking perspective for future County open space decisions and activities. The Open Space and Recreation Master Plan will be completed in two phases and is anticipated to be finalized in 2011. Phase 1 of the planning process began in June 2010 with a series of public forums in Millville, Bridgeton and Vineland. Public opinion on open space and recreation issues will also be collected through a statistically valid telephone survey of 200 County residents. For residents not contacted by the telephone survey, an internet survey is available. When complete, the Open Space and Recreation Master Plan will serve as an Open Space and Recreation component of the existing Cumberland

Cumberland County Open Space and Recreation Master Plan

Cumberland County Open Space and Recreation Master Plan is a planning process and document that will provide a forward-looking perspective for future County open space decisions and activities. The Open Space and Recreation Master Plan will be completed in two phases and is anticipated to be finalized in 2011. Phase 1 of the planning process began in June 2010 with a series of public forums in Millville, Bridgeton and Vineland. Public opinion on open space and recreation issues will also be collected through a statistically valid telephone survey of 200 County residents. For residents not contacted by the telephone survey, an internet survey is available. When complete, the Open Space and Recreation Master Plan will serve as an Open Space and Recreation component of the existing Cumberland