Cylindrocline lorencei

Cylindrocline lorencei is a small tree that was native to the island of Mauritius, with only one specimen ever observed in the wild. By 1990 the species was considered extinct, and the only available seed could not be germinated. Brest Botanic Gardens successfully performed in vitro culture of a viable part of the seed embryo, saving the plant from extinction. Through further vegetative propagation at Brest and Kew Botanic Gardens, a small population of Cylindrocline lorencei has been grown and efforts are now underway to re-establish it in its native habitat.

Cylindrocline lorencei

Cylindrocline lorencei is a small tree that was native to the island of Mauritius, with only one specimen ever observed in the wild. By 1990 the species was considered extinct, and the only available seed could not be germinated. Brest Botanic Gardens successfully performed in vitro culture of a viable part of the seed embryo, saving the plant from extinction. Through further vegetative propagation at Brest and Kew Botanic Gardens, a small population of Cylindrocline lorencei has been grown and efforts are now underway to re-establish it in its native habitat.